2302.03 A cryztal glass. Applied pieces of hot glass dots. Height 21cm/8.3”. Made in the Workshop of Glashütte Gernheim. Glasmaster Korbinian Stöckle & team. Executed in February 2023.
All posts tagged “Glass”

Vase, Gernheim
2205.15 A vase, stacking technique, five rings of coloured glass. Height 20,5cm/8”. Made in the Workshop of Glashütte Gernheim. Glasmaster Korbinian Stöckle & team. Executed in May 2022.

Vase, Gernheim
2205.14 A vase, stacking technique, four rings of coloured glass. Height 21cm/8.3”. Made in the Workshop of Glashütte Gernheim. Glasmaster Korbinian Stöckle & team. Executed in May 2022.

Vase, Gernheim
2205.05 A medium sized vase with applied coils of white glass threads. Height 30,5cm/12”. Made in the Workshop of Glashütte Gernheim. Glasmaster Korbinian Stöckle & team. Executed in May 2022.

Bowl, Gernheim
2205.09 A small sized bowl, stacking technique, three rings of coloured glass. Height 15cm/6”. Made in the Workshop of Glashütte Gernheim. Glasmaster Korbinian Stöckle & team. Executed in May 2022.

Vase, Gernheim
2205.05 A medium sized vase, stacking technique, four rings of coloured glass. Height 19cm/7.5”. Made in the Workshop of Glashütte Gernheim. Glasmaster Korbinian Stöckle & team. Executed in May 2022.

Vase, Derenburg (Harzkristall)
2111.11 A medium sized vase, stacking technique, four rings of coloured glass. Height 21cm/8,3”. Made in the Workshop of Glashütte Harzkristall. Glasmaster Korbinian Stöckle. Executed in 09/2021.

Large Vase, Derenburg (Harzkristall)
2111.10 A large vase with randomly applied pieces of coloured glass. Height 39cm/15,3”. Made in the Workshop of Glashütte Harzkristall. Glasmaster Korbinian Stöckle. Executed in 09/2021. This piece has a some damage. Please contact for further informations.

Bowl, Derenburg (Harzkristall)
2111.07 A small bowl, stacking technique, four rings of coloured glass. Height 13cm/5,1”. Made in the Workshop of Glashütte Harzkristall. Glasmaster Korbinian Stöckle. Executed in 09/2021.

Vase, Derenburg (Harzkristall)
2111.01 A medium sized vase with randomly applied pieces of cryztal glass. Height 24cm/9,5”. Made in the Workshop of Glashütte Harzkristall. Glasmaster Korbinian Stöckle. Executed in 09/2021.

Vase, Derenburg (Harzkristall)
21092.08 A large vase with randomly applied pieces of coloured glass. Height 28cm/11”. Made in the Workshop of Glashütte Harzkristall. Glasmaster Korbinian Stöckle. Executed in 09/2021.

Small bowl, Murano
21091.03 A small bowl, thick walled, oval diameter, with applied Murrini patterns. Height 8,5cm/3,3”. Made in Murano. Workshop Nicola Moretti, Glasmaster Giovanni Nicola (1966-2024). Executed in 09/2021

Zwei neue Arbeiten in venezianischer Technik. Neues Glas, neue Farben. Auf Murano ist alles anders. Alles muss neu erfunden werden. Gut, wenn man Vorbilder hat. Danke an Giordana, Nicola und Giovanni. 15.09.2021 Fotografien der Vasen: Gerald von Foris, © 2021

Sechs Arbeiten aus einer Kooperation mit der Hütte Niesenglas in Interlaken/CH. Vielen Dank an das Team von Maximilian Schlott und Jan Vyskocil (J.V.) für die inspirierende Zusammenarbeit.

Gernheim, Juli 2018
Im Juli 2018 arbeitete ich zum ersten Mal mit Korbinian Stöckle und seinem Team am Ofen der ehemaligen Hütte Gernheim. In drei Tagen entstanden sechs großformatige Arbeiten. Zum ersten Mal erprobt wurde eine Rollup Technik. Auf einen vorbereiteten, runden Glaszylinder werden Stücke, z.B. die Würfel […]